A website is the art of transforming a company’s information into a clean and clear web design.
The previous paragraph is the phrase we described in Click Ads Magazine for a good Web Design, which is clean and clear! A website must have certain components that will characterize it for the customer. It is the final consumer who will identify whether or not you are the perfect supplier to meet their needs.
For this topic, we have incorporated a post from our strategic ally Creative Click Web, who explains in a simple way what Digital Marketing is and how Digital Marketing is applied in your business.
How do I apply digital marketing?
A rather complex question when it comes to developing and where many people get stuck for not knowing how to apply it.
The concept is very broad under this branch, but I will speak in simple and reality-friendly terms. To apply digital marketing we must have the right tools and strategies for each entity (personal or business brand) and make an integration for each of the tools. So the first thing we have to do is our website, which has certain requirements such as SEO, which are elegant and friendly with mobile devices and comply with the Mobile First Index, is the latest and most advanced algorithm of one of the great GOOGLE to have your website appear in search engines, among other uses. Once you understand this, a website or blog is your commercial venue for the world, where you will talk about everything you have, what you do and offer.
A website is the same as a commercial premises, if you do not have advisors or commercial managers it would be very difficult to sell, it is possible that an establishment enters people because of the traffic transiting the area and within your strategies you have traditional marketing and with the voice-to-speech help get results, many companies have succeeded and are maintained, but What if you applied digital marketing to your business?
You’ll have a wider reach, meaning your website will reach thousands of people and this translates into greater results. There are many digital marketing strategies to do so and with all the integration required you could say that you can take “your expressions to the highest level”. A website needs commercial managers to promote it “advisors” and to understand this part a little let’s see the following graph:
Your managers or advisors are nothing more than Social Media “Social Networks”, + Email marketing and its automation, advertising campaigns and video marketing, all this accompanied by content marketing, adequate SEO and a functional marketing strategy.
Then, Social Media+, would be responsible for your online business area. A communication channel that I would say “extremely powerful”.
A website is the focus of your business, the key tab of the puzzle, because there will arrive all the traffic that you generate from social networks and email marketing, you will have a segmented database, updated and ideal, you will be able to interact with them at all times and take successful decisions to achieve the goals proposed by the company, a better and greater engagement and potentialize your business in leaps and bounds.
Now, there are many ways to apply digital marketing to your business, but I’ll only mention two:
- You can do it yourself, a long way to go, take courses and learn all their components, this if you have enough time not to focus on what you do.
- You can hire a company that is responsible for applying Digital Marketing for you.
Written and written by the Creative Click Web Blog
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